so_man-logo 2_(c) by SO and

SO a mixture of sounding shortwaves combined with melodies and rhythms of the guitar, bass and drums SO not a band in the common sense - mixes music with performance, cries and shouts out shreds of fictious words and sentences I produced the noises and sounds for the performance videos of SO and was member of the band back in 2006. THE SO INTERLUDES SO_Geburt SO_Wünsche (baldrian).mp3 SO_Größenwahn SO_Parteiprogramm SO_Traum und Depro Music, Noises & Sounds: Harald Brugger for SO, 2006 THE SO TEASER-STAY TUNED film producer: Georg Schütz lyrics: lilo stern* music/sound: SO, 2006 THE SO PERFORMANCE VIDEOS more videos: THE SO PERFORMANCE VIDEOS THE SO SITE All songs, infos, videos, dates, cds and more you can find at