Shortwave~Massacre: WELTEMPFÄNGER + DDM110 + EFFEKT -> #…#..324#…


::live project::pure analogue industrial::

Shortwave~Massacre zerlegt in der Tradition von John Cage Frequenzen eines Weltempfängers mittels distorted Beats und Effektgeräten zu Digitalem Industrial. Das besondere besteht in der Einzigartigkeit dieser improvisierten Live-Performance, denn je nach Ort und Zeit setzt sich das Set aus ganz anderen Geräusche, Stimmen und Musikfetzen zusammen. Die Wiederholbarkeit ist dabei wohl kaum gegeben.

Shortwave~Masscacre deconstructs in tradition to John Cage frequencies of a shortwave radio and old style monochrome television. It combines the noises with distorted beats and lot of effects to digital industrial. The specific about this live performance is the uniqueness. There are always different noises, voices and parts of music, depending on the place. There is no repetition possible!

Shortwave~Massacre/Viedeň, Rakúsko
Shortwave~Massacre dekonštruuje a tvorí v tradíciach frekvencií krátko vlného rádia a starých čiernobielych televíznych príjmačou podľa John Cagea. Kombinuje rôzne zvuky a hluk so skreslenými rytmami s použitím množstva efektov a vytvára špecifickú digitálnu industriálnu zmes s vzťahom k prostrediu v ktorom sa jeho performance odohráva. Hluky, hlasy hudba všetko sa deje priamo na mieste ako neopakovateľná expresia.




Salisburgo (2005)





slovakian compilation by with experimental electronical music artists from Slovakia, Czechia and Austria, 100 Pcs.

01 Noise Konspiracy - NK live at 13m3
02 rbnx - live at zero
03 Jack/Jack - s/t (excerpt)
04 Philipp Quehenberger - A night in Bregenz
05 Shortwave~Massacre - media madness
06 urban failure - Vermin undead 8-12




slovakian compilation by with experimental electronical music artists from Slovakia, Germany and Austria, 100 Pcs.

track list
1. gottlieb - stille lieder
2. rbnx - cem!
3. audiokollektiv - six shortmovies in 5 minutes
4. oliver irsai - olgoj chorchoj
5. urbanfailure - resistor crash recovery
6. Shortwave Massacre - telequiz
7. urbsounds common jam - live on previous ears chewing satisfunction

this track was played on May 16th 2006 on the U.S. radio show Tonekillers at KWVA 88.1 FM_Oregon



Live Set

listen to a live session recording from "PICKNICK AM WEGESRAND" in vienna: Shortwave~Massacre live at


13.12.08 EarsChewingSatisfunction, OBLUDA, Bratislava (Slovakia)12.05.07 Performance together with dipol, Area53, Vienna

14.04.07 JETZT kanalattacke, Spot, Vienna

24.05.2006 Fluc new, Vienna

07.04.06 KS2 Release Party, Transporter, Vienna

11.03.06 from whisper to scream, Veilchen, Graz

29.09.05 Phonotaktik - PICKNICK AM WEGESRAND, Palais Donaustadt, Vienna

04.06.05 ears chewing satisfunction, UCKO (UClub), Bratislava (Slovakia)

27.05.05 FACTORY - industrial open air festival, starej Cementárni pri Banskej Bystrici (Slovakia)

07.05.05 festWORTfest, Veilchen, Graz

14.04.05 Rhiz, EKH bleibt!, Wien

28.01.05 Fluc, Wien

26.11.04 Workstation, Innsbruck

15.10.04 Artforum Lehen, Salzburg

and with SO at:
29.08.2006 GÜRTEL NIGHTWALK Vienna
10.11.2006 POSTGARAGE Graz
02.12.2006 ARENA Vienna

write me for collaborations and events....

Contact: ->sw~m (at)

or check myspace: sw~m at myspace



SKUG - Preview to the Noisecamp Mini Festival skug empfiehlt Fri 28-01-2005 | 21:00 | 2 nights noisecamp: urbanfailure+rnbx, shortwave massacre, fi einheit | fluc
Shortwave~Massacre zerlegt in der Tradition von John Cage Frequenzen eines Weltempfängers mittels distorted Beats und Effektgeräten zu Digitalem Industrial. Das besondere besteht in der Einzigartigkeit dieser improvisierten Live-Performance, denn je nach Ort und Zeit setzt sich das Set aus ganz anderen Geräusche, Stimmen und Musikfetzen zusammen. Die Wiederholbarkeit ist dabei wohl kaum gegeben.

english translation of the review:
Shortwave~Masscacre deconstructs in tradition to John Cage frequencies of a shortwave radio and old style monochrome television. It combines the noises with distorted beats and lot of effects to digital industrial. The specific about this live performance is the uniqueness. There are always different noises, voices and parts of music, depending on the place. There is no repetition possible!

and the slovakian translation (for ears chewing satisfunction):
shortwave~massacre/Viedeň, Rakúsko
Shortwave~Massacre dekonštruuje a tvorí v tradíciach frekvencií krátko vlného rádia a starých čiernobielych televíznych príjmačou podľa John Cagea. Kombinuje rôzne zvuky a hluk so skreslenými rytmami s použitím množstva efektov a vytvára špecifickú digitálnu industriálnu zmes s vzťahom k prostrediu v ktorom sa jeho performance odohráva. Hluky, hlasy hudba všetko sa deje priamo na mieste ako neopakovateľná expresia.

The Slovak Spectator Preview to the Ears Chewing Satisfunction-Bratislava:
LIKE to have your ears nibbled? How about devoured by a big bite? Ears Chewing Satisfunction returns to club ucko for a second instalment of what organizing musical collective urbsounds calls "music*notmusic". The event will be supported by live visual performances.
International guests include Audiokollectiv from Berlin, "a collection of people who share this strange affinity for all kinds of crazy flashing and sound-producing machines," and Shortwave~Massacre from Vienna, a group that makes music using the frequencies of a shortwave radio and an old monochrome television. (...)


Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating. The sound of a truck at 50 m.p.h. Static between the stations. Rain. We want to capture and control these sounds, to use them, not as sound effects, but as musical instruments.
[John Cage : Future of Music / Credo 1937/58]

Wo immer wir auch sein mögen, meistens hören wir Geräusche. Beachten wir sie nicht, stören sie uns. Hören wir sie uns an, finden wir sie faszinierend. Das Geräusch eines Lastkraftwagens bei 50 Stundenkilometer. Atmosphärische Störungen im Radio. Regen. Wir wollen diese Klänge einfangen und beherrschen, nicht um sie als Klangeffekte einzusetzen, sondern als Musikinstrumente.
[John Cage : Die Zukunft der Musik / Credo 1937/58]